First Access

First Access – An introduction to instrumental learning

First Access is one of the key initiatives of the government’s National Plan for Music Education.  The aim of First Access is to introduce students at Key Stages 1 – 3 to learning an instrument through weekly whole class instrumental lessons. Plymouth Youth Music Service (PYMS) supports First Access delivery in all Plymouth Primary and Junior schools. In order to achieve this, we provide a comprehensive musical offer comprising a range of high quality and diverse fifteen hour courses. These are led by tutors from PYMS and some of our partner organisations

Watch the video below for an introduction to First Acccess

Each course includes built-in planning, CPD and Arts Award opportunities. You may select which KS2 year group you would like to receive the First Access delivery and each class in that year group is entitled to two fifteen-hour courses across the academic year. An annual contribution of £600 for two courses represents just 30% of the actual cost. The Department for Education invests in your school by providing the remaining 70% of the cost.

If you have any queries please get in touch

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